I guess I’ve always been a dreamer.
I think of myself as a serious guy, but looking back, maybe I haven’t taken my life seriously. I haven’t made practical choices. I clung too long to the things of a child, and I still resent being grown up. The fact that I have life insurance weirds me out when I think of it, which luckily is almost never.
Things haven’t turned out the way I imagined they would. It’s not so bad, this life I have, but the dreams — well, the dreams haven’t come true. They are now only dreams, having lost that component of hope that they had when I first dreamed them.
Tomorrow night I fire up one of the old dreams — the main one, now that I think of it — and take my rock’n’roll band before a live, paying audience for the first time in, well decades. The time I’ve wasted! I’ve written a few songs, and found some covers that I can sing with a straight face. Think of me on Wednesday at eight o’clock California time. I don’t have any illusions, and very little hope, but I will rock the house.
Because dreams die hard.
Larry, don’t focus on the past. Focus on the *now.* Too New-agey? Ok, a little. Focus on that you’re doing it now! And focus on how exciting it is that you’re going to be playing out. And everything you did to make that happen. You worked hard.
I’ll be thinking of you tonight! Shine on, you crazy diamond!
Well, what does? Nobody imagines life insurance, for chrissake … but there we are and it freaks me out, too.
But look, here is a dream guitar!
Nice blog. Later.
Don’t worry about it. Shit happens; you know about that, surely. When it happens real fast time after time, it’s the same thing that creates the illusion of motion in pictures. What could be better? Applause couldn’t hurt, I guess! So, though it sounds all wrong, I give you THE CLAP!
Go for it, dude; I’ll be thinking of you as I fall asleep.
I hope you dedicated a birthday song to me. 🙂
Eagerly awaiting a report of your wonderful return to the the stage.