Two years ago on this day of remembrance I posted Another Memorial.
I want to say something on Memorial Day that means something, but I don’t understand the event. I’ve lost friends and relatives to war, and I don’t think it was noble. I just want to forget it. I wish I could. I have no new words today, so here’s that post again, this time read aloud.
Turn your speakers down a little (off if you’re at work) and click the blue arrow to hear the audio post.
I’m sorry about the sound quality. I had a hardware failure in the studio while I was experimenting. I won’t be able to fix the equipment until next weekend, so I am forced to use this unfinished mix.
Blow me away. But mostly no one “Out There” wants to hear it. Bush the killer remains some people’s Hero.
Wow, Larry. That was awesome. Loved it. You’ve got a great voice — you read it perfectly and the music you selected was perfect, too.
Pretty powerful.